my teacher英语作文10篇

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小编为您收集和整理了my teacher英语作文10篇的相关文章:老师是人生道路上的导师,是教育事业的奉献者。以下是小编收集的myteacher英语作文,欢迎参考阅读!我的老师MyTeacherMissZhangismyChineseteacher.Sheisyou...

  老师是人生道路上的导师,是教育事业的奉献者。以下是小编收集的my teacher英语作文,欢迎参考阅读!

  我的老师 My Teacher

  Miss Zhang is my Chinese teacher. She is young and beautiful. She graduated from a famous university of our country. She comes to our school for two years. I like her class very much, because she always can tell us interesting stories. In her class, everything seems to be easy. She can lead the teaching joyful. I can learn a lot from her, because she is knowledgeable. I want to be such a knowledgeable person like her.


  第一次当老师 The First Time to Be a Teacher

  Being a teacher is always believed to be one of the greatest occupations in the world, because they educate the students to be the better person and make a contribution to the world. My ideal job is to work as a teacher, last week, I had the chance to experience teaching students.


  Our school asked some volunteers to teach some kids who lived in the countryside the English. I cherished this chance so much and joined the team. As I loved English so much and I studied it well so I had the confidence to be the volunteer. When I saw these kids, they were so happy to see us and listened to us carefully. I gave them my lesson and played the game with them, they gave me the warm response. I enjoyed being a teacher so much.


  When I back to school, I missed my students so much, they liked me a lot and some of them kept in touch with me. I felt so proud of being a teacher. This precious experience made me make up mind to realize my dream.


  六年级英语作文:My English Teacher 我的英语老师

  Miss Pan is our English teacher. She is shorter and thinner. Shi is strict, but very funny. Miss Pan is 30 years old. She is younger than my mother. She is 154 cm tall. She is 45 kg. I am shorter and thinner than her. Her hair is longer than mine. My eyes are bigger than hers. Miss Pan goes to work by motorcycle everyday. She often eats breakfast at school. She likes lobster and chicken best. Her hobby is listening to music and singing. This is my English teacher. What about yours?



  独特的老师 My Special Teacher

  My English teacher is special, she teaches us in the different way. Since the day she comes to us, she says we can talk in the class, what’s more, we also can eat things, she never cares so much about the class rules. Her teaching method works, we always take the first place in the exam. I wish someday I could be a teacher like her.


  一位难忘的老师 A Teacher to Remember

  For every student, meeting a good teacher is very important, it will change their lives. I am so lucky that I met a good teacher and she opened the new chapter of my life. I will never forget the things she taught me.

  对于每一个学生来说, 遇到一个好老师是非常重要的,它将改变他们的生活。我很幸运,我遇到了一个好老师,她打开了我人生的新篇章。我永远不会忘记她教给我的东西。

  When I was in high school, I felt so bored about the English class, because I did not understand it. Miss Li was my English teacher, she found my attitude to her class. One day, when the class was over, she asked me to her office. She did not blame me for sleeping in her class, instead, she smiled and asked me the opinion about her class. I said her class was a little boring and I thought she would be angry. Miss Li smiled and agreed with me. She asked me to give some opinion. I was so surprised that she was so kind. Miss Li improved her class and I became very active.


  Though I enter the college, I will never forget Miss Li’s class and the things she taught me. She respects me and makes me important. I am so thankful to her.


  我喜欢我的老师 I Like My Teacher

  My Chinese teacher is Miss LI, she impresses me so much, the first day I see her, I like her, because she is so kind to us. I am weak in Chinese, so I don’t like Chinese class, but Miss Li can make the class very active and funny, all the students focus their minds. Now my Chinese improves, I owe it to Miss Li.


  我最喜欢的老师 My favorite teacher

  My favorite teacher is Miss Li. She is my English teacher. She is very beautiful and warm-hearted. She is not only teaching us English but also a lot of useful knowledge that not in the textbooks. With her help, I make great progress in my English. I even have full marks in my English examinations. Now I can have simple conversations with foreigners. She is an amazing teacher. We love her very much.


  乡村教师Country Teacher

  In the 1990s, as the call of the government that teachers should go to the country to serve the people, there are more and more teachers go to the country to continue their teaching education. People speak highly of the teachers, because they contribute their youth to the teaching education. I recognize a country teacher when I were in my internship, after a month in the country, I feel lonely and bored, I began to admire country teachers. They are so great, they choose to go to the village at their best youth, giving up the comfortable life in the city. I am wondering what make them make such decision. The teacher I know said that they thought they would here just for a few years, but as the time went by, they felt the kids needed them, so they stayed. I am so admire them, they are the real great men.


  我想成为一名教师 I Want To A Teacher

  If anyone asks me what will I want to be in the future? I will say a teacher without any thinking. In my mind, being a teacher is a great job. Its responsibility is very heavy, but it is full of achievability. I like the job with achievability. I also like children. I want to develop them into the people who are useful to the society. In my mind, no job can compare with teacher.


  我的英语老师My English Teacher

  Today, I go to school with a headache. At the beginning, it is just a slightly pain. Nevertheless, it is not until the English lesson that my head pains heavily. So it is difficult for me to take notes. Luckily, my English teacher notices it so she takes me to the office. With a big smile on her face and caring words, she gives me a glass of water. To my surprise, she offers to help me notes. It is her love that warms me up. At that moment, I whisper myself that I will do my utmost to help others as kind as my English teacher.


1.小学英语作文:我的老师My Teacher

2.四年级英语作文:My English Teacher

3.英语作文--My History Teacher

4.四年级英语作文-My teather

5.My Deskmate-英语作文300字

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