The Lantern Festival-英语作文500字

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小编为您收集和整理了The Lantern Festival-英语作文500字的相关文章:【参考译文】:元宵节,它发生在中国一年的第一个月的15天,标志着新的一年的假期结束。灯笼到处都是。一个最有趣的传统是将谜语“灯谜”。谜语写在纸上,贴在灯笼或墙。任何一个解决这个谜奖。与食物为元宵节是唐...




  The Lantern Festival, which occurs on the 15-th day of the First Month of the Chinese Year, marks the end of the New Year's Holidays.

  Lanterns are everywhere. A most interesting tradition is the posting of riddles called 'Lantern Riddles.' Riddles are written on pieces of paper and posted on lanterns or wall. Any one solving the riddle is awarded a prize. And the food for lantern festival is Tang Yuan, i have made some Tang Yuan in a ginger soup, my wife got a serious cold, so i cooked a pot of ginger soup for her. I look forward to the next spring festival.

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