Happy Primary School Life-英语作文610字

浏览次数: 589

小编为您收集和整理了Happy Primary School Life-英语作文610字的相关文章:【参考译文】:我的名字是黛西,我有一个快乐的和完整的小学生活。我通常六点起床在早上去学校从星期一到星期五。当我到学校的时候,我做的早读和交作业首先。上午有三节课,下午一样。在午餐时间,我的爷爷带我回家...





  My name is Daisy, I have a happy and full primary school life. I normally get up at half past six in the morning to go school from Monday to Friday. When I get to school, I do the morning reading and hand in my homework firstly. There are three classes in the morning as the same as in the afternoon. At the lunch time, my grandpa takes me home for lunch and rest after lunch, then drives me to the school at two p.m.

  The last class in the afternoon is usually our handicraft class , music class, art class and other extra-curricular classed, we can choose one of them to take part in, it is our favorite time.

  At half past five, class is over, and my mom drives me home. I can play with my friends after my homework finished. My primary school life is full and happy.

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本文来源: https://www.zuowenjie.com/a/64d47293b23c6d1ebc0bf1e6.html
