My best Friend-小学英语作文1269字

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小编为您收集和整理了My best Friend-小学英语作文1269字的相关文章:很多小朋友都遇到以我最好的朋友为题目的作文,下面就和我一起来看看一位小学生是怎样为大家描述他的好朋友的吧~在下一页会有相应的中文翻译。【正文】:Mybestfriend’snameisWe...



  My best friend’s name is Wei Xi. She’s seven years old. She has long, black hair, like me. She has big eyes and a small mouth.

  Her father is Japanese. Her mother is Chinese. She lived with her grandmother when she was little.

  Her grandmother’s home is in the same building as our home. She’s my friend when I’m about four years old. And we often play together.

  When it was almost time for school. She went to Japan with her father and mother. She went to Japanese school when she was in grade 1. She was well-behaved. That time she was the class monitor.

  In the time of summer. When it is 2023. She comes back again. We met each other. And we were very glad. So we play together again.

  After the summer vacation. She went to a primary school, in Xi’an, China. And she was in grade 2.

  She’s good at Japanese. But she speaks a little bit slower in Chinese. But I can understand her.

  She study English at an international school. In the school, most of the students are not from China. Her teacher use English to talk to the pupils.

  Oh, I still have something that I have to tell you. Wei Xi’s really nice. Some girls are kind of grumpy, you know. If you spill some soil on her dress. She would shout, “You spill some soil on my dress. I will never play with you again!” But Wei Xi isn’t like that. And I’m nice, too.

  But I have a strange feeling that playing with her isn’t like playing with anyone else. I always felt very happy when I’m playing with her.

  And I like to go to her house. Her grandmother is very kind.

  I haven’t see her for a long time. So I miss her very much.


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