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2019年12月四级作文押题 第1篇





正值花季的我们,依然要面临分别的不舍。那儿的点点滴滴,让我们一起把它埋藏起来,埋藏在我们内心的最深处, 我们以青春的名义分道扬镳 ,这是个结束,也更是一个美好的开始。

2019年12月四级作文押题 第2篇


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Importance of Perseverance by commenting on the famous saying “Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.” You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


The Importance of Perseverance

As the famous saying goes, great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance. From the saying, we can learn that perseverance is one of the essential qualities that enable people to make great achievements.

Many famous people in history have attributed their achievements to perseverance. For instance, American author Helen Keller lost her sight and hearing after contracting an illness when she was only two years old, but her perseverance ultimately made her one of America's greatest writers. Beethoven also lost his hearing. Nevertheless, he never gave up and his perseverance was finally rewarded with many admired works.

As college students, we should learn to cultivate perseverance as it is a positive attitude toward life and is of great benefit to our future development. We should always keep in mind that strength is the king of the body but perseverance rules human souls.​​​​

2019年12月四级作文押题 第3篇

中欧双方的文化交流源远流长。早在公元前2世纪,古老的丝绸之路就连接起长安和罗马,开启了中欧文明对话的先河。威尼斯商人马可·波罗(Marco Polo)游历中国大地后撰写的游记为西方世界揭开了这个东方国度的神秘面纱。中外文化交流的历史证明,一切优秀的文明成果都是人类长期生产实践和智慧的结晶,是人类文明进步的象征,是全人类的共同财富。

China and Europe have a long history of cultural exchange. As far back as the 2nd century ., the ancient Silk Road linked Chang’an and Rome and made possible the dialogue between Chinese and European civilizations. The travelogue written by a Venetian businessman Marco Polo after traveling in China introduced China, then a mysterious east land, to the West. The history of sino-foreign cultural exchange proves that all fine achievements of human civilization are fruits of long-term productive activities and human wisdom. They are symbols of human progress and the shared treasure of all mankind.

2019年12月四级作文押题 第4篇


The Internet has become an important pathway for people to get information. Ever since it was introduced into China, China's radio and television stations have taken advantages of their resources and brands to launch Internet news dissemination in order to meet people's great needs for news. A number of websites providing comprehensive news service have been established, which not only extend the scope of the authoritative news dissemination, expand new space for the development of traditional media, but also gradually become the important channel for people to obtain news.

2019年12月四级作文押题 第5篇

春节是中国最重要的传统节日。每逢春节,中国人都会回家与家人团聚。近年来,由于越来越多的中国人离开家乡到外地学习或工作,春节前后就会出现春运高峰(Spring Festival travel rush)。每年此时,大量乘客涌入火车站、汽车站和机场,公共交通承受着巨大的压力。为时40天的春运堪称世界上最大规模的年度迁徙(migration)。为了确保每位乘客旅途顺利,运输部门(transportation authorities)就得提供更为优质的服务。

Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China during which the Chinese return home to reunite with their family members. In recent years, as more and more people left their hometowns to study or seek work elsewhere, Spring Festival travel rush has appeared around Spring Festival. During this period every year, volumes of passengers rush to railway stations, bus stations as well as airports; hence public transportation is under great pressure. Faced with the 40-day Spring Festival travel rush known as the biggest annual human migration in the world, transportation authorities have to optimize their services to ensure a smooth journey for every passenger.


本文来源: https://www.zuowenjie.com/a/653c8291556b3e43110fc130.html
