现代社会中的女性 Women in Modern Society

浏览次数: 695

小编为您收集和整理了现代社会中的女性 Women in Modern Society的相关文章:Womenhavemadegreatcontributiontothedevelopmentinpoliticy,buttheyarestillfacingvariousformsof***-disc...

  Women have made great contribution to the development in politicy,but they are still facing various forms of ***- discrimination.In politics,they are undergoing boring trifles which could make differences between victory and defeat,but chance for them to promote a higher position is slim while men could always get credited.In economy,vast majority of women usually get a lower-paid and impromising job.Though at the same position,men are outpaid women forever.However,many people would rather take it as the consequence of diversity in social division of labor than ***-discrimination.Many American women are even content to be inferior citizens in socity.Therefore,it is a long and tough way to go before American women earn real equality.



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本文来源: https://www.zuowenjie.com/a/65543bb08881fdcbbd0702c0.html
