英语作文-我喜欢吃冰棒 I Love Ice-lolly

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小编为您收集和整理了英语作文-我喜欢吃冰棒 I Love Ice-lolly的相关文章:Iloveeatingice-lolly,nomatterinthehotsummerorthecoldwinter.Thefeelingsaresodifferenteatingice-lollyi...

  I love eating ice-lolly, no matter in the hot summer or the cold winter. The feelings are so different eating ice-lolly in the two seasons. In summer, the weather is so hot that I don't want to eat anything, except for the ice-lolly. I often buy a lot of ice-lollies in the refrigerater and I usually eat ten bars a day. When the ice water flow into the throat, I feel my whole world is icy and I feel that I am rescured from the hot day. However, in the cold winter, it's so different. Eating ice-lolly in the cold winter will make you feel colder. When you eating, you would shake because of the coldness. It seems that you are frozen. But it's the exciting feeling I like.

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本文来源: https://www.zuowenjie.com/a/656d396cd5057c2dec0a9f28.html
