饲养宠物--Keeping pets

浏览次数: 612

小编为您收集和整理了饲养宠物--Keeping pets的相关文章:Somepeoplethinkthatkeepingpetsisagoodthing.Theysaythatitisanhobbywhichshouldhad.Theyalsoclaimthatpet...

  Some people think that keeping pets is a good thing. They say that it is an hobby which should had. They also claim that pets make lives more colorful and entertaining for both women and men.


  On the other hand, there are many people who say that pets should be banned. They point out that pets are responsible for disease which hurt property, and for injuries suffered both by the people who kept them and by innocent other people. They also say that pets are a waste of money and resources.


  My own point of view is that we should had the hobby of keeping pets. While at the same time making them harmless. In addition, we should restrict the keeping the pets to some area.


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本文来源: https://www.zuowenjie.com/a/6572913ce4eedd7e2e065d55.html
