英语作文--A letter for Betty

浏览次数: 739

小编为您收集和整理了英语作文--A letter for Betty的相关文章:DearBetty:Hello,mynameisAmy.I’m13yearsold.Mynewschoolcalled29MiddleSchool,I’minClass7,Gr...

  Dear Betty:

  Hello, my name is Amy. I’m 13 years old. My new school called 29 Middle School, I’m in Class 7, Grade 7 in it. In my class, I have a lot of friends. Daisy is my best friend, she drawing pictures very well. I studying in the No.8 Building, it is to clean and beautiful.

  Our school day starts at 7:40a.m, the lessons begin at 8:00p.m. Usually, the first lesson is Maths or English, sometimes is Chinese. My favourite lessons are Chinese and Art. We do morning exercises at 9:30a.m.We have lunch at 12:00a.m, we often sit under the trees in the playground to play games. We always have a good time at our school, so I like my school, teachers, and classmates very much!

  This is my school, what about you? Do your school beautiful? Do you like it?

  Please e-mail me soon~

  Lots of love…




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本文来源: https://www.zuowenjie.com/a/658ce960902df9da400b7a75.html
