初中英语作文-2022伦敦奥运会 London Olympic Games

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小编为您收集和整理了初中英语作文-2022伦敦奥运会 London Olympic Games的相关文章:The2023LondonOlympicGameshassuccessfullystartedonJuly27.Theopeningceremonywassosplendidthatmadethewo...

  The 2023 London Olympic Games has successfully started on July 27. The opening ceremony was so splendid that made the world surprised. The movie plots go throughout the opening ceremony, James Bond, Mr. Bean, Harry Potter. Now, the 2023 London Olympic Games has been carried out for 8 days. Many athletes performed excellently and won the gold medals. Because of time difference, it's a great pity that I can't watch the games from beginning to end. But some games I never miss. I hope that the athletes can performe well in this games.

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本文来源: https://www.zuowenjie.com/a/65d9573c4e81296265081d78.html
