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  "Do you believe in love?" When a stranger into an acquaintance, sometimes I will ask him. If he says: don't believe. I will not alert. A person, even the love doesn't believe that his heart would not soft, not light, he will only believe in money, power, also will not believe friendship. He probably has a breakup would think so, so he must be very pessimistic: see a leaf, suspected that the whole forest withered. He may think about whether to believe in love a little bit silly, then his life will not love.

  "Do you believe in love at first sight?" When an acquaintance into a friend, I might ask him. If he says: don't believe. I feel a bit disappointed. A person, even love at first sight do not believe that his heart would not romantic, even dreamed of have no ability. What is the most sad thing? Not arrive not to dream, but have no dream! Even scoff at the dream, as the sparrow sarcastic geese: "where are you going? Not the warm South ".

  "Do you believe in life for love at first sight?" When a friend become good friends, I could not help but ask him. If he says: don't believe. I feel really sorry: how to talk about "Titanic" and he? He watched "Titanic" will not be moved. Like a hard stone, not talking rain gentleness.

  Ten years ago, see "Titanic", as it moved. Ten years later, again see "Titanic", still I moved. Even though, just sit in the room, the story takes place only at the small screen, or the same boat, the same love.

  See "Titanic" many times. Suspected human time, will look at the "Titanic". When there is nothing good movies, go over it again "Titanic". Early to write "Titanic" opinion, but this feeling is difficult to use language to express. Language is the most exquisite, is less than the film shock. Now read the text, have rarely been touched, and enjoy the film, often tears in your eyes. May only films can perfect deduce beautiful love, others are not.

  I always think: a most luxurious ship sank just to spectrum is a eternal love elegy. And a beautiful, the birth of love, but let the Titanic and the immortal, spread among the people in need of love and warmth of every heart that has faith in love.

  See "Titanic", total recall two love stories, one is Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet", a Chinese folk legend "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai". Is to love and respect the legend, is a beautiful love because of family pressure and burst! As long as there is the world of literature, "Romeo and Juliet" will not disappear. As long as there is a Chinese man alive, "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" will continue to spread. As long as the movie in the world, "Titanic" must be in the numerous fans DVD, and play. Even the world without film, "Titanic" also through another medium, continued.

  "Titanic" love two love compared with the above, more pure, clean, powerful, directly into the softest deep soul. Because of the love between Jack and rose not due to secular and disillusionment, but the disaster. Such a beautiful love, in front of the pathos of the disaster, to resist the destruction, finally let disaster become its footnote. Like a flower blooming Epiphyllum, very want to open longer and longer, finally had to let wither notes it once brilliant.

  Jack and Rose's love is perfect, but they envy this perfect, wreck envy this perfect, seawater envy this perfect, so together they broke the perfect. As crystal sound, fell on the rock, crushed. See so perfect love of destruction, we cannot help tears, as if they were, in fact all cry for myself. Cry oneself once so deep love, in the life the enchanting to plump, could not resist a variety of disaster with a clang, thin, withered. So in the life the most beautiful ferry sank. Thought can borrow this leaves small boat can across the life of oliver. Who knows, it would sink, sink, and slowly sank to the sea, flood, flooded the sands of time, has been quietly drowned


  “Titanic” Once MoreMaybe every body would like to pack into the ship, Titanic, spareing no effort, but they didn’t notice that while they have one food in the ship, but the other food they have in death.Or maybe we should be braver, to fill more exciting and real things in the life which look like the death water. Even if in all life long we only have a real love, we can still smile in the darkness: “you promise me, you will never give up” and them close your eyes, and be happy after that because your beloved husband or wife is happy.As for me, Titanic is great not only because of the great and ever-lasting love, but also the issues, how to choose-----live or die, to be or not to be, that’s a question. Anybody who can ensure the person, who uses the harmful methods or even the evil methods in order to escape from the ship, can live a good life in the future? Anybody who can ensure the women, who are afraid of danger so that they were not willing to reverse the ship to help her husband and the others husbands, have he courage to face to their children and the kids father. Human nature, likes the decayed fruits in summer at the moment, naked ugly in front of us. The lost soul frosted in the sea, will murmur for ever with their story. What will accompany them? Maybe there were only the ever-lasting regret and the sudden shout of surprise nightmare of the living person.I want to live, live in a peaceful life. If not, I would like to drop off peacefully in my sleep. Just like the violin, with remote melody, to release the souls of the dead deeply anxious


  Duringthe winter holiday,I watched the 泰坦尼克号 again.The first time that I watched the filmis at the age of 13,at that stage I believe that the understanding of love forme is too difficult.Therefore,the meaning of love for me is exclusivelyshallow.Hence,this time I really learn more about the love again.I wasspelled by the love surpassing the life and thepure relationship between the two lovers.After watching the film,all sorts of feelings well in my heart.Rose falls inlove with him and ignore the identity of Jack who does not give in the outdatedidea that the love must on the base of money,even if the money is the evil of everything and it will let the majority ofpeople cannot pull themselves together.Once Iwatched the sense,my voice will always become hoarse.The love story is so moving that I will blamethe current love in the society where the power and the money will beconsidered into the marriage.The phenomenon that with the marriage for expedience rather than love is getting increasinglycommon,it is pretty difficult for us to seek for the real love in the presentsociety.For instance,like my friend,he falls in love with a girl who isextremely beautiful and students always say “you are aregular little charmer “.There are so many times he told to me that heloved the girl too much but compared with others who try their utmost to pursuethe girl,he simply looked sick.Owing to thefact that the background of the boy is very “thin” while the girl is terrific “fat”so the boy lock the love away until the collegeentrance is over.One day a girl who is the friend of the girl confides to me the truth that the girl loves the boybefore the first time they met.I am amazing because the silence is fatal to the love.Finally they also do not tellthe love to each other.What a pity!The sad love is over but for me the old memory is alive.There are so many girls and boysspare no every effect to marry the rich one.The girls tossedtheir heads and swung their hip to attract the rich,the boys use thewords which are very idle to steal the heart of the rich.As far as I amconcerned,Is the money is so cruel that let you to sellout your real love and cheat your integrity.I cannot succumb to the seductive sirens of an easymorality.I should find my real love and I firmly believe that beauty is in the eyes of the beloved.We should confidently puff out yourself chest to summon the courage to combat the unscrupulous practice thus holding your life we shouldbring the faith home.I have a dream that oneday everyone can get the true love.I have a dream that one day the two of themcan walk hand in hand along the river bank,chatting,laughing,and looking happy.I have a dream that one day we can push aside the money!-----ck

  love the one you love and love the love given by the love then the love belong to you will be colorful.loved CK


本文来源: https://www.zuowenjie.com/a/65f3b26cfceb2718380473e3.html
