Our School Library-英语作文426字

浏览次数: 545

小编为您收集和整理了Our School Library-英语作文426字的相关文章:【参考译文】:我们学校有一个图书馆。它不大但很干净明亮。有故事书,图画书中。你也可以借音乐和体育书籍。我喜欢读故事,所以我经常从图书馆里借故事书。我们每次可以借这本书两周。图书馆里有一个大阅览室。当你...




  our school has a library. it's not big but it is very bright and clean. there are story books, picture books in it. you can also borrow books about music and sports. i like to read stories,so i often borrow story books from the library. every time we can keep the book for two week.

  there is a big reading room in the library. when you enter the reading room, you can find these words on the wall:"knowledge is power." and "keep silence!" we can read magazines and newspapers in the reading room, but we can't take them out.

以上就是小编为您收集和整理的Our School Library-英语作文426字相关内容,如果对您有帮助,请帮忙分享这篇文章^_^

本文来源: https://www.zuowenjie.com/a/663ae0d84e203f39740a087a.html
