A General Cleaning-英语作文330字

浏览次数: 549

小编为您收集和整理了A General Cleaning-英语作文330字的相关文章:【译文】:今天是星期五。是时候进行一次大扫除了。我们班分成了两组,今天轮到我们这一组了。像往常一样,我们擦黑板,门口,窗户和地板。我们重新摆了课桌和椅子,使他们更有秩序。另外,我们在教室里种了两盆盆景...



  Today is Friday. It's time to do a general cleaning. Our classmates are divided into two groups. Today it turns to my group. As usual, we clean the blackboard, doors, windows and the floor. And we rearrange the desks and chairs to make them orderliness. Besides, we plant a couple of bonsais in our classroom. So, we must water them. They are beautiful sceneries of our class. We all take good care of them.

以上就是小编为您收集和整理的A General Cleaning-英语作文330字相关内容,如果对您有帮助,请帮忙分享这篇文章^_^

本文来源: https://www.zuowenjie.com/a/666a5a5cf92f514ef400f24b.html
