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小编为您收集和整理了英语优秀作文:A MEETING OF LOVE的相关文章:编者按:英语是国际交流语言,要学好英语,可以多阅读好的作文,提高阅读量,也能不断提升自己的单词量和语法。Itwasafineday.Thebreezeblewgently.Theairwasfresh...


  It was a fine day. The breeze blew gently. The air was fresh and the sky was clear and white. I walked on a curved path. This was a special path, as it was made of clouds, and permeated with familiar, intoxicating fragrance of flowers, sometimes strong and sometimes faint. The path was leading to the distant place, where the sun rose, and was disappearing at the end of the clouds.

  As I was walking, I suddenly saw a familiar figure in the clouds and mist, and the fragrance of flowers was more intense. That is my grandmother! My dead grandmother! My grandmother was still wearing her favorite red coat, and she looked at me kindly. My grandmother did not speak, she came forward and gave me a hug. I excitedly stretched out my arms to hug my grandmother, but she disappeared without a trace, and I did not catch anything. The colorful light also disappeared instantly.

  In order to find my grandmother, I have to keep on going. Following the increasingly intense fragrance of flowers, I came to a tree. The leaves of the tree were blue. What's more, there are some little glass bottles filled with colorful water on this tree, glittering in the sun. As I stretched out my hand to touch these colorful bottles, two bottles suddenly fell into my pocket. In doubt, I felt something touching my foot, and I looked down, wow! A key! A key made of clouds!

  "Will this key have any special uses?" I thought. When I was about to pick up the key, it grew wings and flew to my front. It seemed to be leading me forward, so I started to follow it, knowingly.

  After a long run, I was a little tired. When I meant to stop to have a rest, a man in a long cloak flashed by. "Keep following the key. Don't stop. Don't turn back." That figure flashed by and the voice rippled in the air. I couldn't see his face clearly, but I thought it should be an old man.

  I continued to walk on the endless road, and crossed a small hill. When I went down the hill, I found a detached house, with a natural fence around it, surrounded by water vapor, which was reflecting light in a variety of colors -- a beautiful rainbow was floating above the house.

  Looking at it from a distance, I felt as if I had been there before. I hurried to the door but I couldn't open it, as the door was sealed with a dense cloud. Then, the key also stopped, flashing a beam of colorful light before it disappeared. The colorful light floated to the door, and the door melted. When I walk into the courtyard, tears filled my eyes.

  This house is so familiar to me, and I was lost in a reverie, because I lived there with my grandmother during my childhood. I entered the house, the furnishings were the same, it was still very tidy, just like someone had cleaned it carefully. There are still marks on the pine table, which I left while doing homework before, and the pictures on the wall were still recording the good times my grandmother and I had. I stroked each of them, feeling familiar and warm.

  I pushed the back door open and came to the backyard. That white dog was lying quietly in the yard, and when it saw me, it ran towards me with a wagging tail, and I touched its head. At the corner of the courtyard, it is still the swing I used to play on. I remembered my grandmother pushing me on the swing, and my silvery laughter went up into the sky.

  "Grandma! Grandma! Seeing all this, I presumed my grandmother was around here, and my yelling was reverberating in the air, but no one responded.

  At this time, the little dog bit my coat-tail and pulled me to the small pond in the backyard. I looked inside doubtfully, and there was nothing but water in the pond, but I smelled very strong fragrance of flowers. The dog bit my pocket, and I suddenly thought of the two bottles that had fallen into my pocket under the tree. I carefully took them out, and the seven-colored liquid in the bottle began to shake. Was I supposed to open it?

  I removed the bottle stopper and poured the liquid from the bottle into the small pond. The water in the pond was suddenly bubbling, and the water was no longer clear. The water surface was like a screen now, and it began to show the scenes of my growth…

  That’s the very evening when my grandmother and I first quarreled. I was criticized by my mother for having failed a monthly examination, and I was in a rather bad mood, grandmother has been asking what I wanted to eat. However, when I looked at the invariable smile on her face, I always felt she was laughing at me, so I yelled at her, knocked over the milk she had warmed for me, slammed the door and left...

  Once, my memory ended here, but the screen of the pond still continued. Grandma slowly bent down, squatted down on the ground, and cleaned up the milk on the ground with a rag. After a while, grandma made the room clean and tidy, and then made a bowl of noodles with shredded meat for me. She gently put the noodles on the table, and went back to her bedroom. The moment she turned round, a subtle discovery caused a sting in my heart -- I saw a glimmer of light in the dark, and some glittering and translucent tears on my grandmother’s face in the moonlight. It was the first time I saw my grandmother weep.

  The water in the pond returned to its normal quietness and clarity, but I couldn't stop weeping. The tears were mixed with my regret, self-accusation and pain. It was not until then that I realized that that thing made my grandmother so sad, and that my grandmother loved me so much. Now I was standing here, and I wanted to tell her my self-blame and endless regret, but my grandma was nowhere to be found.

  "Do you know how much your grandmother loves you?" Do you know how much you have hurt your grandmother?" I heard some familiar voices, and as I raised my head, it was the old man in the cloak that I met on the road.

  "Who are you? Do you know my grandmother? Where is she?" I asked eagerly, seeking to find my grandmother immediately.

  "You don't have to know who I am. I've led you here with magic power, to let you know all this, and know your grandmother's goodness to you." The old man said quietly. "What you see on this road is real. They exist in a small corner of your heart. I’ve just opened the door for you."

  I looked at him in surprise.

  The old man continues, "The fragrance of flowers you smelt all the way is your grandmother's yearning for you in another world, and the fragrance of flowers has always been accompanying you, indicating that your grandmother has been thinking of you. And those small bottles are the memories your grandmother collected."

  I listened, and couldn't help sobbing. "You know it all, right? Then you must know where my grandmother is, right? Tell me, please!"

  "I am just a messenger of love and warmth. Your loved ones will be in your heart. No matter in heaven or on earth, as long as you love her enough and are sincere, you can always find her."

  "So what should I do?" I looked at the old man with sincerity.

  "Follow your heart, it will take you to see the person you want to see." Having said this, the old man again turned into a beam of colorful light and disappeared.

  "Follow my heart, my heart..." I said to myself, walked out of the house, followed my heart, and set foot on the road of clouds.

  I did not know how far I had walked, and a door appeared in the middle of the road. A gust of wind blew, and the door opened. I saw my grandmother's familiar smile. I rushed forward to hug her and cried, "Grandma, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." I held my grandmother tight, afraid that she would disappear again.

  "Grandma does not blame you, grandma loves you very much, and grandma has been thinking of you."

  "Grandma, you're lying, if you love me, then why did you leave me, do you know how painful I am?" I couldn't control my emotion, and tears rolled down my cheeks.

  "Grandma did not leave you, I just changed a place to protect you, because I wanted to see you all the time." Grandma grabbed my hand, laughed and looked at me, and her eyes were full of tears.

  The house in the sun gradually disappeared. It turned into mist and flew away. The distant tree was also transformed into a white cloud, rising slowly, and the road of clouds was slowly melting, integrated into the white clouds and blue sky.

  "There's not much time, my child, I'm going back to my world. Remember, I will be protecting you all the time, loving you and thinking of you in a warm place in another world. You shall not grow in self-reproach, take good care of yourself, and I do not blame you at all." Grandmother gradually became transparent, and I could not touch and feel her.

  "Grandma, what if I miss you?" I cried.

  "Then touch your heart on the right, I'm there in a small corner, and this lovely little world, all the time!" The voice gradually fades, and grandmother turned into a rainbow, flying away towards the distant place where sun set...

  The sun set slowly, the fragrance of flowers gradually became faint, and I gently touched my heart, "grandma, I'm sorry! Grandma, I love you forever!" I turned, and I walked out of the door...

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