
浏览次数: 602




  I like he,because he is very brave,and very clver.he is a good man.This film is very good,it is so excited,and it is to shake,it is so exciting.At the beginning of ,he is helps the human being,but he does not like the human being break the alien`s home,so he help the alien attack the human being.at last he is win.And he is change to the alien .He prokect the alien`s environment.He is a good man.I like this film very much.


  The movie is directed by James Cameron, who is famous with product Tatanic.It took 14 years prepare for the movie,4 years time for filming and will be relesed on 2ed Janaury 2023.It cost 500 million and became the largested invesment in history.The story is about immigration to planet Pandora, and what happened with local NA'VI.


  It was a great movie. Avatar has gone to a stage when you actually feel like your in the movie. When I was watching, I didn't feel like watching it, I felt like I was exploring the strange planet, running with the others, and breathing the fresh, moist air. The story line is also really awesome. As a scientist, the main character blends into the Avatar world, and surprisingly changed his mind about the creatures. There was a very good contrast between his thoughts before and after he met the creatures. It was a great movie indeed.


本文来源: https://www.zuowenjie.com/a/66c04459ea9755d9800fdf34.html
