英语作文-无聊的一天 A Boring Day

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小编为您收集和整理了英语作文-无聊的一天 A Boring Day的相关文章:Todayisahotday,sothatIstayathome.Iplannedtogooutwithmyfriends,butwedidnotgooutbecauseofthehotweather...

  Today is a hot day, so that I stay at home. I planned to go out with my friends, but we did not go out because of the hot weather. I finished my homework in the morning and then I wanted to play computer games. But after I played for a while, the power was off suddenly. I was so down, because I was going to win the game. How unlucky it was. Because of the power off, I have nothing to do at home. But it's too hot to go outside, so all I can do is staying at home. In order to kill the tough time, I did some previews, but after a while, I could not do it anymore. Therefore, I decided to find some books to read. Finally, I chose the Harry Potter. It was interesting book that could make me calm down. I read it for the whole afternoon until the power restored.

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本文来源: https://www.zuowenjie.com/a/64ab82f5668c6679500e81d2.html
