A Letter to Mother--英语作文

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  成功的秘诀是什么What Is the Secret of Success

  温暖的家 A Warm Family

  8 Zhongshan Road


  Feb. 15, 1990

  Dear Mamma,

  How about you and my father?

  I arrived in Guangzhou last Friday safely, but the journey was not pleasant. The train was crowded and dirty, and I was terribly tired when I got here. After a short rest, I feel quit good now.

  Uncle’s family are all very well. They were very happy to see me and they are all kind to me. Cousin Wei Ping is really warm-hearted, and he has been showing me around the city these days. We have many things in common so that we can talk to each other all the day. Tonight Wei Ping and I are going to a concert. We bout like the star very much. I’m sure we’ll have a good time.

  Guangzhou is a beautiful city, and a bustling one as well. Life here is busy,but exciting and colourful. I love the way people work and live here and I hope to have a chance to work and live in this city when I grow up.

  Uncle and Aunt send you their love.

  Truely yours


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