小学生英语作文-我的学校 My School

浏览次数: 730

小编为您收集和整理了小学生英语作文-我的学校 My School的相关文章:IstudyintheNo.1PrimarySchool.It'soneofthebestprimaryschoolsinmycity.Therearefourbuildingsincampus.Tw...

  I study in the No.1 Primary School. It's one of the best primary schools in my city. There are four buildings in campus. Two of them are teaching buildings. The other two are library and gym. The teaching buildings are huge and the classroom is large and bright. There are plenty of books in the library. I like reading books in the library. After class, students like playing in the gym. It’s a popular place after class. Besides, our teachers are great. They care much about students. I am happy to study in my school.

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本文来源: https://www.zuowenjie.com/a/666117e41eee9e17370ddc74.html
